Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools (FCPCS) Member School Named to 2024 AP Honor Roll North Bay Haven Charter Academy of Panama City Recognized for Advanced Placement (AP) Program of Courses and More PANAMA CITY, Fla., (October 17, 2024) – North Bay Haven Charter Academy of Panama City has been named to the 2024 AP Honor Roll, which recognizes schools throughout North America for their Advanced Placement (AP) Programs of Courses that deliver results for students while broadening access. North Bay Haven Charter Academy is a member of the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools (FCPCS), the leading charter school membership association in Florida. Schools can earn the AP Honor Roll recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit and maximizing college readiness. In order for a school to be named to the AP Honor Roll, 40 percent of its most recent graduating class must have taken at least one AP Exam during high school, 25 percent must have scored a 3 or higher on a least one AP Exam during high school and two percent must have taken five or more AP Exams during high school, with one of those exams taken in 9th or 10th grade. North Bay Haven Charter Academy also earned the AP Access Award, which honors schools that ensure their students have equitable access to Advanced Placement courses. "The Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools congratulates North Bay Haven Charter Academy, our latest FCPCS member school to earn AP Honor Roll recognition,” said Robert Haag, President of FCPCS. “We applaud their achievements in ensuring students are ready for college.” In a statement, Bay District Schools Superintendent Mark McQueen said, “This recognition speaks volumes about the dedication of our students, faculty, administrators and families to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.” About the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools The Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools (FCPCS) is the leading charter school membership association in the state. Since its inception in 1999, FCPCS has been dedicated to creating a national model of high quality, accredited public charter schools that are student-centered and performance-driven. FCPCS provides a wide array of technical support, mentoring, training, networking, and purchasing services to its membership, as well as serving as an advocate for all Florida public charter schools. ###